Eco-Friendly Dry Ice Techniques in Mold Cleaning Industry


Mould is an essential part of multiple industries. Plastic, rubber, or metal products require mould for uniformity and speed in their production units. Due to the demand, there is an increasing load on the mould industry wherein they can’t afford downtimes.

However, cleaning the mould used in plastic and rubber manufacturing is typically a slow, labor intensive, and hazardous job. The use of dry ice cleaning with dry ice blasting machines on these plastic and rubber molds makes cleaning much more effective and easy with zero downtime.

Not convinced yet?

Let’s find out how dry ice helps in the mold cleaning industry.

Benefits of Dry Ice Techniques in Mould Cleaning

Spick and Span Results

Dry ice is solid carbon dioxide at a -109° F temperature. When propelled from the machine towards the cleaning surface, it increases 700 times in volume. With this expansion, dry ice pellets make the dirt fall off the surface without causing any flaws to the surface. 

Water is not required

The traditional cleaning methods require the addition of water to soak away grime. As the leading dry ice distributors in UAE, we make sure that no dirt dissolves during blasting application as it may cause major damage in the long run. Rust is one of the biggest aftermaths of water usage, and it may lead to wrecking the mold as well.

With the use of dry ice blasting machines in the mould cleaning industry, water is much eliminated. Dry ice is used by itself to deliver mint results. Also, by employing the cold jet machines for dry ice blasting, we save the usage of water that, for now, is too scarce on this planet. 

Chemicals are not used

Mould cleaning with plain water is never enough to eliminate all the grime. In most cases, harsh chemicals are also used to achieve the desired level of cleanliness. These lead to aggressive cleaning where in moulds, they may get scratched after continuous bouts. If timely attention isn’t given to the mould, reinstalling it may be costly. 

There is no need for chemicals in dry ice blasting. Dry ice is an independent cleaning material, and it can efficiently perform the task better than high-end chemicals. Since dry ice is the solid form of CO2, i.e., carbon dioxide, it can effortlessly mingle into the environment without contaminating it. Hence, apart from saving the moulds from harsh chemicals, dry ice also protects the earth.

No waiting period

Every elaborate cleaning process requires the company to shut operations for a short while. Both cleaning and drying take ample time, and every company has to bear this..

Mold cleaning industries can utilize dry ice without stopping. Yes, you heard it right! Operations do not require halting when cleaning with dry ice as it doesn’t include water or chemicals that may damage the moving parts. Again evaporation happens at lightning speed; hence drying is not worth bothering with. As the main dry ice distributors ice is not here to dismantle the molds, but to keep them neat and clean


Usage of cold jet machines for dry ice cleaning reduces the time by 25 to 40%. And it’s also the best method out there to get incredible cleaning results. What else do we need from a cleaning agent?

Contact us anytime to know more about how dry ice cleaning can keep your facility operating faster and more efficiently, its benefits usage for your industry.