How do traditional cleaning methods harm our environment?
Traditional cleaning methods such as water blasting, steam blasting, sandblasting, etc. are highly toxic to the production plant as well as to the environment. Consider the following facts:
- Water, sand and soda blasting leave behind harmful secondary waste that requires to be cleaned up immediately to avoid the risk of contamination.
- Traditional cleaning agents cause ‘downstream contamination’ to surrounding installations.
- Chemical solvent cleaning methods destroy the surrounding vegetation.
- Eco Green, Abu Dhabi, your Dry Ice Blasting Specialists in UAE say that conventional cleaning methods create a harmful work environment where workers are exposed to potentially harmful substances because of the use of toxic chemicals and solvents and the requirement to dispose off secondary waste.
- Traditional cleaning processes consume large quantities of water. For example, water blasting uses large amounts of hot water. Approximately 12 to 25 barrels are required during every cleaning session.
If you are considering Blast cleaning machine, call Eco Green Dry Ice, Abu Dhabi now.
What is the advantage of using Dry Ice as an alternative cleaning medium?
Eco Green Dry Ice, yourreliable supplier of dry Ice Delivery in Dubai and Abu Dhabi believe that Dry ice presents a highly welcome sustainable and environmentally responsible industrial cleaning option. Consider the following facts:
- Dry ice pellets eliminate the need for water. This results in significant economic savings and environmental benefits for industries.
- Dry ice serves to reduce your energy consumption in industries.
- Dry ice cleaning makes cleaning up the workspace after the process simple. In this way, it provides a safe and clean working environment.
To understand how dry ice is used effectively and safely as a cleaning medium in the industrial environment, please refer the link below:
- Dry ice cleaning does not add to toxic waste that is dumped to landfills every year since it eliminates the ‘secondary waste’ by vaporizing the waste upon impact into the Once particles impact the surface, they disappear into the atmosphere.
- The dry ice cleaning process is non-corrosive and non-conductive. The process produces no chemical residue on any of the hard surfaces cleaned, nor does it cause water runoff.
- Owing to the nature of its cleaning, dry ice presents a cost-effective method of cleaning compared to traditional methods.
Eco Green Dry Ice, your cleaning equipment suppliers in UAE state that Dry Ice is approved by the EPA (United States Environmental Protection Agency), the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) & the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) as a non-hazardous cleaning process that prevents mold & bacterial growth. Moreover, dry ice cleaning enhances the sanitation of the work area and prevents contamination to the neighborhood.
- Dry ice is safe to use with food processing equipment.
- Dry ice cleaning does not emit harmful gases into the atmosphere.
For all your dry ice supply as well as Blast cleaning machine needs, please call us now.
Does dry ice contribute to the Greenhouse Effect?
- Carbon dioxide is a natural element occurring on the Earth. It constitutes about less than one percent of the atmosphere. It is a colorless, odorless and tasteless gas.
- All living organisms give off carbon dioxide, which is absorbed by plants for growth. Plants, in turn, release oxygen to sustain life.
- Dry ice is made from recycled carbon dioxide. It is obtained as a byproduct of industrial processes. It does not produce or release additional carbon dioxide to the atmosphere and so does not contribute to the Greenhouse phenomenon.
Contact us for your Dry Ice cleaning methods or Blast cleaning machine requirements in UAE