High performance Cleaning Equipment for Gas Turbine

Cleaning Equipment for Gas Turbine

Which industries can benefit from Dry Ice Blasting Services?

Dry ice blasting is widely used in power generation, oil and gas, aerospace, mining, food processing, disaster restoration, etc.

Eco Green Dry Ice Services Oil & Gas Industries LLC, Abu Dhabi, offers high performance Cleaning Equipment for Gas Turbine. For details, please call us now.

How is Dry Ice Blasting useful in the power generation industry?

High performance dry ice cleaning services are used to clean gas turbine engines used to power generators, aircrafts, etc. To ensure peak performance of the engine, thorough cleaning of the gas turbine compressor is vital.

Eco Green, your Dry Ice Blasting Specialists in UAE, offers a safe and eco-friendly alternative to cleaning your gas turbines and other electrical equipment so that they perform at their maximum capacity. Please call us now for all your queries.

Why is it necessary to regularly clean gas turbines?

During operations, deposits accumulate on the inner surfaces of gas turbine compressors. These deposits adversely affect the functioning of gas turbines and result in higher fuel consumption. So it is essential to constantly clean the compressors.

For a very informative read on the application of dry ice in industry, please refer the link below:


What are the challenges in turbine cleaning?

Dry Ice Blasting Specialists in UAE

• Conventionally, solid particles such as rice and groundnut shells were used to clean the deposits from turbine compressors. These particles caused damage to the internal parts of the compressor.

• Particulate matter left behind in the compressor after cleaning could convert to ash when burned in the combustors. This results in potentially toxic emissions.

• The used abrasive material requires disposal after cleaning. Since it is harmful, it poses an environmental hazard making disposal a challenge.

• The solid particle abrasives clogged the cooling passages.

Eco Green manufactures and supplies dry ice for all your industrial requirements. For Gas Turbine Services Abu Dhabi, please call us now.

What are the benefits of using dry ice instead of water or other solids?

• Water freezes at cold temperatures and forms ice that causes damage to the compressor.

• Dry ice has a freezing point of −100° Fahrenheit. So it can be used at extremely low temperatures such as below 50° Fahrenheit, without forming ice on the internal parts of the compressor. So dry ice does not block cooling passages as the carbon dioxide particles sublime to gas during cleaning.

For queries regarding dry ice equipment, manufacture, supply and Gas Turbine Services Abu Dhabi, please call us at Eco Green today.

What are the key advantages of dry ice cleaning compared to traditional methods?

Dry ice offers a dry method of cleaning. So all electrical components can be safely cleaned without dismantling the equipment. This saves time and labor. Minimal downtime is required which implies that there is practically no disruption to service. Dry ice can deep clean equipment and components of any size ranging from small electric motors to large power stations. It is a 100% safe procedure as it does not use water or chemicals.

For questions related to dry ice blasting and Gas Turbine Services Abu Dhabi, please call us today.

What are the main benefits of using dry ice for cleaning in the power generation industry such as gas turbines?

• Convenient to use as does not require dismantling or reassembling of equipment.

• Safe for the equipment, personnel and the environment as no chemicals are used and no secondary waste is produced.

• Enables your equipment to perform at peak efficiency and does not result in damage to your equipment.

• Offers a flexible and non-abrasive industrial cleaning solution.

• Approximately 65% saving in outage time for cleaning achieved.

Eco Green, your Dry Ice Blasting Specialists in UAE, offers a quick and chemical-free cleaning alternative. To know more, Please call us now.