Printing Press Machinery Cleaning with Dry ice

dry ice blasting

dry ice blasting

Dry ice, at -78°C is capable of removing the toughest of grime from a surface. When looking for cleaning equipment in UAE, scanning for the best dry ice renders smooth finish to the machinery. And as people who earn through machinery, we know how important it is to keep them clean.

How does dry ice work?

Dry ice is solid carbon dioxide. It is freezing. At -78°C, it becomes something that must be handled with care to avoid burns.

The dry ice blasting machines propel it at high velocity towards the surface. As the pellets hit the grime, they start to sublimate, creating a gap in between the dirt and the machine’s body. Hence all the residue falls, leaving behind clean and sparkling machinery.

Why dry ice blasting machines are preferred?

Dry ice blasting machines are preferred over any other medium due to the incredible benefits of dry ice. Above all the reasons, dry ice is preferable because it doesn’t spoil the surface.

Here are few other reasons for opting dry ice over any other blasting material.

  • Dry ice is non-abrasive, hence not even scars on the surface
  • Dry ice works faster than any other blasting material
  • Dry ice is environmentally friendly
  • Dry ice leaves behind no toxic residue to clean
  • Dry ice sterilizes the surface along with cleaning it
  • Dry ice can be used over a wide range of machinery
  • There is no need to unbolt machinery before cleaning as dry ice reaches the sneakiest of surface
  • Dry ice is an affordable cleaning solution

With all the above benefits, dry ice holds an essential place as the machinery cleaner. It is used in a wide range of industries such as aerospace, food industry, pharmaceuticals, manufacturing units, printing industry etc.

Here let us look deeper into how dry ice helps in the printing industry.

Printing presses and packaging molds are often delicate and easily damaged or malformed, and standard cleaning methods can lead to this. Sandblasting, chemicals, and hand scraping can damage the molds or print rollers, but since dry ice blasting does not use abrasives or solvents it does not damage the surface.

Dry ice blasting is the ideal solution for cleaning ink trays. Effectively used in removing hardened ink and coatings on printing trays that may be resistant to any solvent. But with dry ice blasting, the shape and fit of the trays remains the same.


What kind of grime does printing industry struggle with?

Printing industry has to deal with ink, paper lint, grease and other build-ups that affect the smooth functioning of the machines. These build-ups hamper the working of rollers and create misalignment.

What are the traditional methods of clearing the grime?

Before the cleaning equipment suppliers knew of dry ice, chemical solvents were used to remove remnants on the machinery. These were difficult to use for the following reasons.

• Immense effort was needed in the process
• The results were not perfect
• The task was manual devouring lots of time
• Workers were at risk due to the exposure

Printing industry has faced amputations due to the manual cleaning of rollers. This is why diverting to the usage of dry ice blasting machines brought a significant change.

There were multiple advantages offered by the blasting specialist named dry ice.

No need of manual cleaning

The biggest relief to the printing industry with the introduction of dry ice was that dry ice blasting machines eradicated the need for manual labor. The cleaning workers were saved from the lingering fear of injury when cleaning the rollers.

Saves a lot of time

Dry ice blasting machines reduce a considerable amount of time. It is faster than any other medium. Also, there are no traces of grime, unlike the harsh chemicals that leave behind a few build-ups.

No disassembly needed

When cleaning the huge printing machines with rollers, a complete disassembly was required. When the introduction of clean dry ice packs cleaners realized that there was no need to disassemble the machine when working with dry ice. It can seep through gaps and clean the toughest ink and grime.

No place for wastage

Unlike harsh chemicals that left behind lots of waste, dry ice leaves only a clean surface. Since it is solid carbon dioxide that turns directly into the air, nothing is there to clean other than the coatings from machinery.


Want to know more about cleaning equipment suppliers in UAE?

We, Eco green maintain dry ice for sale along with the dry ice blasting machines in UAE. Connect over the phone or give us a message and we shall be happily serving you cleaning all the machinery.